A Legacy of Preservation Since 1974
Please join us as we preserve and celebrate the heritage of Santa Ana and early Orange County. Your membership and donations do so many things. They help preserve and maintain the Dr. Willella Howe-Waffle House and Medical Museum. They let us continue our educational programs including in-school presentations; Living History; photo archives; historic tours; books, maps, and other publications; and online resources. (View recent issues of our newsletter.)
Membership Levels:
Individual: $25
Student (High School & Under): $10
Family: $35
Organization/ Business: $45
Patron: $100
Benefactor: Over $250
If you include $100 or more for dues, you are entitled to one free book from the list below:
Early Santa Ana
Santa Ana in Vintage Postcards
The Civil War Legacy in Santa Ana
Orange Blossoms: 50 Years of Growth in Orange County